I live in the South West with my family and our cat called Nina. When I’m not making up faces, I’m usually; hosting my own radio show (yes, really!) wine tasting with the girls, playing dress-up with my daughter or losing at Mario Kart against my son.

I have always been into makeup. When I was 12 I wanted to become a makeup artist so I could meet Leonardo Di Caprio on the set of his latest film. This was in the hope he’d fall helplessly in love with me! (There’s still time Leo… #justsaying!).

I gained my Guild of Beauty Therapists qualifications at the Boulevard Beauty Academy in early 2017 and have been a bridal specialist ever since. I absolutely love what I do! Wedding mornings are a joy to be involved with.

I promise to make things easy for you. I’ll make sure you’re happy with the look I create… and give you as many hugs as you need!

Back to meet the team…